On the 26th October 2021, CryptoSimple has officially been registered as a Digital Asset Service Provider↗ (DASP) by the AMF↗ (Autorité des Marchés Financiers) in providing the following digital asset services, as mentioned in Article L. 54–10–2 of the Monetary and Financial Code.
- Digital asset custody
- Buying or selling digital assets in a currency that is legal tender
- Exchanging digital assets for other digital assets
As part of the digital custody and buying or selling of digital assets, CryptoSimple is fully compliant with the European regulations and notably the Directive 2018/843 on Anti-Money Laundering and Combating the Financing of Terrorism↗ (AML/CFT) wich involves in France the AMF in conjunction with the Autorité de Contrôle Prudentiel et de Résolution↗ (ACPR).
With this regulation comes high-security requirements for our users, as evidenced by compliance with global AML-CFT laws and regulations and the implementation of international security standards such as:
- Separate multi-signature portfolios
- ISO / IEC 27001 & 27701↗ compliant
- MPC technology↗ with asset holding partners
- Data encryption
- Identity verification with biometrics
- Two-factor authentication (2FA)
- Internal security and confidentiality workshops
- GDPR↗ compliant
CryptoSimple has been created to lift the veil on cryptocurrency and help people safely and simply invest in cryptocurrencies without necessarily having to be an expert in the crypto ecosystem. Our Modern Portfolio Theory↗ strategy has proven itself as one of the most efficient portfolio management strategies, which consists of reducing volatility while maximizing returns.
By making cryptocurrency investing accessible to everyone, CryptoSimple wants you to get on the crypto train while saving yourself time and energy. This way, the next time a friend or family member asks you about crypto investing, you can recommend CryptoSimple.